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 rate my art

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Michael pw
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PostSubject: rate my art   rate my art EmptySat Dec 12, 2009 5:00 pm

Hi im Marmallow on top (i made 2 error on my nickname when registred)

so it whould be good to hear what can i do to improve my style.
it would be appreciated if ur comment could improve it. Razz
rate my art Sugarrush

this pic was inspire by 3dman 101 game named sugar rush
i thought i could make a caracter out of all those candies(6 of them)
but there were too many
it was at first meant to be in the hero competition but it doesnt look like a hero isnt it

on the close up there's blob the on u ctrl in the game
at the back, there's rainbow (i named the caracter by the color of candy)
behind her, black poison(a.k.a DARK WONKA)

plz reply

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Michael pw

Michael pw

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PostSubject: Re: rate my art   rate my art EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 1:26 am

That looks really good! i like the rough edges!
it kind of reminds me of one of pirate monkeys drawings.

however i think the text should be a little neater and that lil' dude in the bottom right corner doesn't fit the rest.

But don't get me wrong, this is an amazing piece!
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PostSubject: Re: rate my art   rate my art EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 7:25 am

hi micheal pw
thx for replying
and i saw pirate monkeys's and they were over the expression AWESOME
(he really like glowin stuff Smile )

and the little dude it a rip from the game(so doesn't fit)

ill remember ur advise about the text

Thx alot
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PostSubject: Re: rate my art   rate my art EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 2:27 am

Dude that's a killer style man Very Happy

Only CC I wanna suggest is

The "blue" for the shirt seems a little extreme
maybe a tad darker shade.

But other then that...its a sweet ass image Surprised
gob job!

- JuNki3 Smile
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PostSubject: Re: rate my art   rate my art EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 10:38 am

I Like the Style I would suggest Filling in the word Sugar a bit more I know your going for a grunge look but the large gaps suggest you didnt try. maybe even use different pen sizes to make it more interesting.

Its hard to make out the body of the center character try using some highlights to indicate where the arms and legs are.

I Understand the style but perspective wise on the main character the right arm is way too small it appears to be twice the length of the left arm. The blue shirt might be a bit much but I think the bright purple shine on the hair compliments the shirt very well.

I dont know if its part of the style or not but I would also suggest you clean the line work a little for instance fill in the gaps between the lines, it makes the drawing look a little unfinished such as the lines right above the main characters belt and the collar on the shirt.

and although it may be unecissary I would screen back the background just a tad bit more.

great work
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PostSubject: Re: rate my art   rate my art EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 11:27 am

Wow, you guys are nice.

Anyway, your art is awesome, love the style a lot. You have convinced me to start doing my drawing and stuff.

Although the body shape/size is all wrong, it looks really good that way, but maybe try making the far away hand a tad bigger. Text could have been done with a slightly bigger brush.

The black on the shirt (burn tool/layer?) is a bit dark, lower the layer opacity a bit - in other words, make it slghtly more blue.
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PostSubject: Re: rate my art   rate my art EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 4:06 pm

wow thk,
i knew i could get some advise from this site thx a lot Very Happy

yeah i have a perpective prob Razz
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PostSubject: Re: rate my art   rate my art EmptyThu Jan 07, 2010 5:31 pm

Hey marshMello
That look amazing.
2 things though:
1. The hand in to pixelized for it to look lose, if anything it should be sharper that the rest of the image, not pixel-ier
2. The face needs a little work, I know you were going for the pixelized look but it looks like someone scribled a lit on his face...

The shading is AWESOME Btw
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