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Jandel122 takes the first place trophy with his great logo! thanks everyone for participating!


 Macromedia Fireworks 8 or Any other Fireworks up to CS4

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Michael pw

Michael pw

Posts : 165
Join date : 2009-11-23
Age : 28
Location : England

Macromedia Fireworks 8 or Any other Fireworks up to CS4 Empty
PostSubject: Macromedia Fireworks 8 or Any other Fireworks up to CS4   Macromedia Fireworks 8 or Any other Fireworks up to CS4 EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 3:34 pm

I use Fireworks for almost everything! Logo's, sprites, banner's...
It's really good!


- Animations
- layered pictures, so that you can edit different parts of a sprite
- Awesome rendering tools like burn and dodge for shading
- Blending tools to make an image blend into another.
- More rendering tools allowing glows, blurs, motion trails, bevel's.
- Very compatible
- Can have multiple sprites open at once
- supports a wide range of formats
- Can create website objects that can be exported to Dreamweaver.
- Wand tool can remove aliasing on internet images.


- Not very precise for pixel art.
- Not very good for making isometric buildings, lines are too innacurate
- Quite confusing to work out how to do some things.

I can't think of many disadvantages.
It's a really good program and you should give it ago.

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Have a great day!
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Macromedia Fireworks 8 or Any other Fireworks up to CS4
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