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Jandel122 takes the first place trophy with his great logo! thanks everyone for participating!


 Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator

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Posts : 99
Join date : 2009-11-23
Location : Southern California

Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator Empty
PostSubject: Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator   Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 2:07 pm

Hi my name is Ivan Murillo. Born and raised in Southern California in the U.S.

I been drawing since I could pickup a crayon and never stopped. I draw as often as possible regardless of where I am or what im doing. I have a great amount of love for graphic design, and I am constantly looking for ways to Improve my art. I am also a very diligent freak. If it isnt perfect it isn't good enough for me thats why I am always striving to do better. Although I always get great feedback I always feel I have something more to learn.

As I grew older I was afraid of financial hardships and was brought up to take the right path from going to college to obtaining a secure job. Now that I've reached my potential as a civil engineer. I have realised I want to follow my desire of being a well paid graphic designer but without formal training I feel lost in oblivion. Therefore I am looking to increase my skills in any way possible to climb to the top of the latter with mere skill and desire.

I will visit these forums to help anyone who needs it as often as possible and I hope to learn from your talents and personalities too. Please feel free to suggest comments for your art from me in the forums and feel free to ask me any question you wish.

I welcome everyone to enjoy a liad back relaxed graphic design atmosphere, for you to expirence the freedom that art has provided for me my entire life.

thanks for reading, I hope to meet you all soon.

Last edited by Twisted-Liquid on Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 30
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Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator   Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 2:12 pm

Hey Twisted-Liquid,

First, I want to say, that this Forum s pretty awesome.^^
Second, I saw some Graphics and other Art of you and they are pretty cool 2.
Third: I'm not so good at Graphic Design, but I can try to help people out if they need some help.


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Join date : 2009-11-23
Location : Southern California

Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator   Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 2:19 pm

Thats the attitude this community needs I am glad you are part of this community. You can help this comminuty grow by simply being an active member of the community and show everyone we are here to grow together.

I hope to get to know you better as this community expands.

Let me know if there is anything I can help you with
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Join date : 2009-12-02
Age : 30
Location : Belgium

Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator   Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 2:22 pm

Ok, Great. ^^

Well not need any help at the moment.
Got to go in a few minutes.
In three days, i have examen next tuesday, so i won't be online much for a week.

If someone needs help in translating sentences In dutch, french and English, just send me a PM^^.

See Ya

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Join date : 2009-11-23
Location : Southern California

Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator   Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 2:30 pm

ooooh thats a great topic thanks for the offer
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Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator   Twisted Liquid - Admininistrator Empty

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